" And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin
Dear President Trump, your Cabinet and Supreme Court nominees,
I would like to ask you some questions. Then, please tell me how you make your decisions based on your answers:
1. You have daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers. Have you or any of these females ever used birth control to help plan your families? Have any of these females had accidental pregnancies or pregnancies involving life-threatening, medical problems?
2. Have you ever had a pal or colleague who came from a different country? Have you known well anyone of a different race than you?
3. Were you raised in a religious family that teaches that we should love our neighbors as ourselves, especially the little children? And that pride is a seductive sin?
4. Have you cared about anyone who loved a person of their same gender?
5. Have you accessed health care for you or your families? Most of you have so much money that perhaps you aren’t aware of those not like you, who barely scrape by, whose medical problems have caused tragic bankruptcies, some never recovering from their lack of affordable healthcare. You solicited their votes and offered healthy change.
6. Did you attend public schools or universities? Do you drive on streets and interstates? Did you ever take your children to a public library? Do you appreciate fire and police departments, and other services that provide safety during emergencies? Are these democratic socialist institutions?
If you answered “yes” to any question, I wonder then why you want to overturn Roe v. Wade, or how you think abortions can be decreased while reducing funding to the very organizations who offer medical care and family planning services?
Are you worried that women, LGBTQ people and immigrants are taking over the country, being elected to leadership positions, and that you rich, white men might not profit quite so much or might lose your power while implementing torturous, violent policies that most Americans disagree with? Do you know that your grandchildren’s education will focus on teaching them to get along and work with people who are different from you?
But, maybe you don’t want your daughters to succeed except on the arm of a man. Can they not develop power or fortune for themselves? Are you petrified of progress and fear you will fall from grace?
Please look deeply within and realize that you can prosper in America as it changes. Please listen to Americans who have more humane values than you.
In fact, President Trump, talk to those who elected you. And, don’t be fooled. They all don’t want walls, and most don’t even like your bonding with Russia. Although they may have been misguided in voting for you, they want a healthy, profitable and safe country, and there are many better ways to get there than by your recent executive orders and policies.
Perhaps the more you resist change, the farther you will fall. Surely you want something better for yourselves.